Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Reminder: WE are beautiful

We all like fashion and beauty. That's a fact. Every week, it's a nice feeling to rush to the newstand to pick up our favorite magazines. I like the smell of the paper, the glossy touch of the cover, the explosion of colors. I skim through my favorite "glossies" (usually in the subway) and every page is a dream. It's the same feeling when I was watching a Disney movie when I was a little girl. Everything is beautiful, everything is perfect. Even when you are surprised by a tad of imperfection, it's studied. Well the other side of the coin is that it makes us dream, and simultaneously, it gives rise to loads of insecurities and it treatens women's self-esteem. All we can see is perfection, we forget the studied lightings, the endless hours of make up and airbrushing, the plastic surgery, and sometimes the hours of pricey Pilate session. Of course there are plenty of dropdead gorgeous girls, but the kind of beauty we see in those magazines is nothing human.
I'm sure you're aware of Dove's admirable "campaign for real beauty" as they beautifully call it, but maybe you haven't seen this video. How did our idea of beauty become so distorted? Visit www.campaignforrealbeauty.com to recall that real beauty comes in all shapes, sizes, and colors and without Photoshop!

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